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IRT Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez Sub20 Femenino

Last update 19.02.2012 01:54:13, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea4404564FA2219w
2WCMOrozco Lina Yomayra4402340VAL2198w
3WFMMercado Luisa Fernanda4400984BOL2074w
4Santos Morales Natalia Andrea4406540BOG2049w
5Castro Natalia Patricia4404580ATL1995w
6WFMPachon Adriana4400690CUN1985w
7WFMSalcedo Jackeline4401913BOG1938w
8Lugo Lozano Luz Adriana4407091ATL1899w
9Cespedes Galindo Estefania4418107TOL1850w
10Rodriguez Sofia4406176VAL1836w
11Ortegon Villacorte Daniela4407113CUN1799w
12Maldonado Barrera Lina Eulalia4406370BOL1787w