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IRT Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez Sub20 Masculino

Last update 19.02.2012 01:54:23, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1FMMartinez Romero Martin4404025MET2360
2Hernandez Sanchez Jairo Andres4404017TOL2285
3Torres Juan Camilo4405790CAL2278
4De Arco Luis Carlos4403630ATL2243
5FMRuiz C Joshua D4400704BOG2202
6FMBarros Raul Junior4401140ATL2201
7Narvaez Zamir4404238VAL2177
8Moran Daniel Stiven4404211VAL2118
9Dominguez Oscar4410939VAL2065
10Juez Jhon Alexander4406087BOG2055
11Juez Jose Yesid4406028BOG2051
12Camargo Santiago4401298BOG1986
13Martinez Baquero Hugo Esteban4429575CUN1938
14Moreno Lozano David4418212BOG1910
15Corredor Rengifo Luis Fernando4412222TOL1897
16Mayorquin Nicolas4410963VAL1897
17Barajas Ivan4422562BOG1821
18Palechor Cesar Augusto4418530TOL1805
19Sabogal Varela Jaison Stiven4427319CUN1695