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Campeonatos Argentinos Infantiles y Juveniles CAM 2022 Sub 16 Fem

Last update 25.07.2022 06:25:53, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Nacional de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

4WFMFrancisco Guecamburu Candela Be160911ARG2240Ajedrez Martelli
7Bontempi Sofia Milagros160903ARG1647Sarmiento de Junin
5Gaite Karen Nerina169420ARG1519FSA Salta
1Salto Floriana181129ARG1445AReA
3Gimenez Julieta168548ARG1359ARA Rosario
2Espinosa Valentina20000650ARG1249ARA Rosario
8Caceres Milagros181951ARG1200Club Don Lucero - San Luis
6Becerra Ludmila20008341ARG1119Club Don Lucero - San Luis
9Archaina Yael197319ARG0FEDA Entre Rios