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IRT Campeonato In Memoriam MF Simon Dario Meneses Urbina

Last update 25.07.2022 01:09:38, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1FMVargas Arteaga Alexis4406656CAL2254
2Sanchez Castellanos German Alex3907589VEN2117
3Hernandez Fonseca Maria Paula4407920CAL2048
4Suarez Pinto Sergio Rafael4418085SAN1879
5Acosta Cruz Luis Ivan4411948SAN1637
6Moreno Hernandez Andres Mauricio4488539SAN1601
7Reyes Aristizabal Andres4441354NS1530
8Rueda Rojas Richard Alejandro4491505SAN1527
9Pilonieta Forero Andres Felipe144400233SAN1508
10Marin Campos Doandris Javier3967867VEN1471
11Jaimes Florez Lucy Janeth4445937SAN1452
12Gonzalez Bolivar Juan Jose4491467SAN1424
13Hurtado Paez Andres Jesus4483545SAN1355
14Florez Leidy Lucila4489128SAN1319
15Gomez Araque Laura Sofia4463480SAN1312
16Sepulveda Lyda Marcela4442768VAL1306
17Hernandez Sandoval Silvia Nathalia4496256SAN1272
18Ruiz Luz Alba4427866SAN1174
19Chinchilla Monsalve David144400187SAN1600
20Rosas Rico Leonardo4490541SAN1419