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IRT Campeonato Selectivo Preselecciòn SANTANDER a Juegos Nacionales 2023

Last update 25.07.2022 01:00:15, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Arciniegas Castro Santiago4433122SAN1935
2Gonzalez Delgado Hugo Andres4440013SAN1873
3Jaimes Fredy Alexander4418514SAN1825
4Caicedo Solano Eduardo4429222SAN1812
5Duran Ricardo4442547SAN1806
6Moreno Barajas Diana Fernanda4433777SAN1628
7Cardenas Briceno Eloy4427696SAN1520
8Perez Leon Sergio Andres144400217SAN1501
9Gonzalez Suarez Nelson4410530SAN1484
10Sierra Henry Alberto4460570SAN1462
11Ramirez Orlando4427793SAN1397
12Rosales Espinel Julio David4496272SAN1289
13Baron Cabrera Julian Enrique144400500SAN1233
14Sequeda Hernandez Daniel Arturo144400268SAN1226
15Velandia Rodriguez John Freddy4490495SAN1640
16Granda Rodriguez Oscar Anibal144403143SAN1600
17Pilonieta Diaz Edgar Mauricio144400195SAN1600
18Sarmiento Juan Diego144407602SAN1600
19Serrano Jimenez Angela Sofia144407068SAN1520
20Rodriguez Munoz Luis Hernando4427831SAN1478
21Mateus Patino Paula Andrea4499379SAN1431
22Serrano Jimenez Adriana Valentina144407050SAN1422
23Cupaban Alonso Luciana144406533SAN1308
24Sanchez Fonseca Alejandro4497562SAN1281
25Correa Ibarra Emma Sofia144410522SAN0
26Dangond Tarazona Camila Ivanna144411286SAN0
27Figueroa Zambrano Lunay Militza144411294SAN0
28Gomez Sepulveda Jose Antonio144410557SAN0
29Goyes Penafiel Yesid Paul144403135SAN0
30Pava Carvajal Hugo Alberto144411308SAN0
31Vargas Diaz Edwin Mauricio144411316SAN0