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JNW Helpmekaar - Masters Section

Last update 09.07.2022 19:17:50, Creator/Last Upload: hugh theunissen

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Starting rank

1IMMakoto RodwellRSA2272
2IMMabusela JohannesRSA2233
3Mlahleki VusimuziRSA2027
4Mthunzi CliveRSA1960
5Mpya TshedisoRSA1943
6Tshetlo TshepoRSA1919
7Magagula RaymondRSA1755
8Mantati SebeiRSA1680
9Laureles RaymundoRSA1629
10Njoku GreatmanRSA1600
11Jones WilliamRSA1562
12Ranoto TumeloRSA1541
13Vorster TyroneRSA1535
14Maponya KabeloRSA1516
15Ikegwuoha DarlingtonRSA1510
16Xiao RyanRSA1505
17WFMGardiner NoaRSA1497
18Ilenikhena BasilRSA1490
19Mdlalose MosesRSA1466
20Kunaka PraiseRSA1441
21Spies Piet-HammanRSA1441
22Tshikota GregoryRSA1422