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Keshmat Summer Chess Festival 2022 - Classic

Last update 23.07.2022 21:36:18, Creator/Last Upload: Charles Kayle

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Starting rank

1CMEl Mahmoud Abdulaziz5300401LBN2054
2FMSursock Sameer5300010LBN2002
3Kaloust Giorgio5303699LBN1942
4Moudallal Tarek5300630LBN1939
5Assaad Joe5310504LBN1846
6Sayegh Elias5303273LBN1794
7Moughames Ronald5304857LBN1734
8Rashidi Rabih5303265LBN1732
9Berbari Imad5300827LBN1711
10Hamoushi Mohamad Ali5309387LBN1669
11Nasser Hadi5313317LBN1548
12Eid Wissam5307880LBN1497
13Chaaya Antoine5305861LBN1443
14Fawaz Mohamad5308879LBN1307
15Ali Khan Amani5307570LBN1225
16Fawaz Nadia5309743LBN1214
17Eid Floron5310792LBN1164
18Salman Fatima5310644LBN1019
19Abdel Ahad Moussa Mario5313759LBN0
20Abdel Malek Khalil Amir5315247LBN0
21Abou Hawili JadLBN0
22Abou Taam Fatima5315271LBN0
23Aoun Karim5314216LBN0
24Aramali Ohannes5300770LBN0
25Attieh Kate5313562LBN0
26Attieh Skye5313570LBN0
27Ayoub SergioLBN0
28Chidiac Ghady5313180LBN0
29Daccache Elie5314275LBN0
30El Khatib Malek Ali5313953LBN0
31Flayhan ZouheirLBN0
32Hadla Mohamad Ali Abdelghani5312558LBN0
33Hanna KevinLBN0
34Harika MarcLBN0
35Itani Mohamad5309140LBN0
36Lebreton Cyril5314534LBN0
37Mouawad Antoni5312710LBN0
38Mouawad Betros Sergio5315476LBN0
39Moukahal Omar5317010LBN0
40Naboulsi ZiadLBN0
41Rahal Serge Elias5316332LBN0
42Sheikh El Balad Mohamad Omar5315506LBN0
43Talayeh RawadLBN0
44Zeitouni JadLBN0
45Zrour Nabil Badoui5316740LBN0