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44th Chess Olympiad 2022 Women

Last update 09.08.2022 13:00:06, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Team-Composition without round-results

  20. Romania (ROU / RtgAvg:2283 / TB1: 14 / TB2: 325,5) Captain: Szabo, Gergely-Andras-Gyula
1IMBulmaga Irina2394ROU139030636,5102455
2WGMSandu Mihaela2297ROU1204327592234
3WFMCiolacu Alessia-Mihaela2163ROU1252640262036
4WGMCosma Elena-Luminita2248ROU12015905,592120
5WIMLehaci Miruna-Daria2193ROU12347656102154