FINAL STANDINGS Title Norm Calculations are available to download.
GM Norm - 7 points (2380 - 2433) IM Norm - 5 points (2407 - 2449)
IM Norms - Congratulations to FM Harry Grieve, FM Maciej Czopor, & FM Shreyas Royal! A special thanks to our sponsors who have made these events possible! The Chess Trust The John Robinson Youth Chess Trust Friends of Chess ChessableMindsports Masters - GM Norm Die Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 14.09.2022 18:48:50, Ersteller/Letzter Upload:
Spieler nach Elo sortiert
Nr. | | | Name | FideID | Land | EloI |
4 | | GM | Rowson Jonathan | 2400561 | SCO | 2561 |
9 | | IM | Roberson Peter T | 412384 | ENG | 2429 |
1 | | FM | Grieve Harry | 426520 | ENG | 2418 |
10 | | FM | Czopor Maciej | 21805431 | POL | 2415 |
6 | | FM | Royal Shreyas | 448869 | ENG | 2412 |
7 | | GM | Cherniaev Alexander | 4117301 | ENG | 2395 |
2 | | GM | Lalic Bogdan | 409081 | CRO | 2393 |
5 | | IM | Willow Jonah B | 438804 | ENG | 2385 |
8 | | IM | Fitzsimons David | 2501961 | IRL | 2365 |
3 | | FM | Moreby James | 427756 | ENG | 2319 |