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Last update 02.07.2022 16:55:37, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

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Round 5 on 2022/07/02 at 14.30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
14Enshaeian Arad1248 0 - 14 Lamb Phoenix015
22Gitay Awen14073 0 - 1 Jarzynski Oskar14201
35Roychowdhury Aashita7773 1 - 03 Ravi Shrinath020
428Sudagar Vidhyuth Kavin03 0 - 13 Buthfer Zak010
519Prabaharan Brian03 ½ - ½3 Riaz Hafsa021
617Murphy Ted02 0 - 1 Horridge Ben014
712Evans William01 1 - 02 Riaz Ibrahim026
816Mralidharan Dhanya02 1 - 02 Ozolins Raivo030
98Bathala Shaurya0 0 - 1 Dutta Arjo011
1027Nannaboyina Rishi0½ 1 - 01 Boyall Clara09
1124Sullivan Jake02 1 - 01 Forgiel Ania013
1231Stanley Jacob01 1 - 01 Rowley Spencer023
1325Duffy Ellis0½ 1 - 0 Pidsley Fflur018
1429Higham Alex00 0 bye 
153Westmoreland Jacob A12950 0 not paired 
166Adebanjo Daniel00 0 not paired 
177Adebanjo David00 0 not paired 
1822Rowley01 0 not paired