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One Shot 1

Last update 29.01.2012 06:50:52, Creator/Last Upload: Xavier Rubini

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Round 1 on 2012/01/27

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
12Raimbault Pierre19410 0 - 10 Masset Jacques19961
23Jouhaud Pierre-Alexandre19390 0 - 10 Mano Francois18754
35Chemama Yvan18500 1 - 00 Adjelout Rachid144220
46Joussim Philippe17380 1 - 00 Gaborit Arnaud16948
57Castro Espinosa Mauricio16990 1 - 00 Dancausa Jose149919
610Demange Jean16900 1 - 00 Laporte Vincent16939
712Wandowicz Kajetan16760 1 - 00 Fouchet Guy167811
814Toulouse Marc15940 0 - 10 Juste Remy164013
915Hucault Christophe15750 1 - 00 Barzilay Marianne156916
1017Bredenbac Philippe15360 1 - 00 Afrakhteh Nahid153318
1121Eden Agnes13500 0 - 10 McDonald Margaret126022