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Riga Technical University Open 2022 - Tournament A

Last update 21.08.2022 14:26:23, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

Player overview for DEN

67SKONNORD Uno2099DEN1010½10½155420-12,00Tournament A
14Durrfeld Sofie Bech1756DEN½½½10013,52720-29,20Tournament C

Results of the last round for DEN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Jekabsone Nellija11241 0 - 1 Durrfeld Sofie Bech1756
KUZNECOVA Marija18654 0 - 14 SKONNORD Uno2099

Player details for DEN

Durrfeld Sofie Bech 1756 DEN Rp:1462 Pts. 3,5
139Roots Lem-Leonhard1236EST4s ½20-8,40
235Krasilnikovs Aleksandrs1306LAT3w ½20-8,40
329Ivanova Lidia1457EST4,5s ½20-7,00
425Silmalis Janis1589LAT2w 1205,60
517Kasims Stefans1715GER4s 020-11,20
650Freimanis Emils0LAT3,5- 0K
746Jekabsone Nellija1124LAT1s 1201,60
SKONNORD Uno 2099 DEN Rp:1992 Pts. 5
1139TESTELECS Ilja Kuprijans1393LAT3s 1201,60
224FMHAITIN Ilja2322EST5w 020-4,40
3122FRIDENSTEINS-BRIDINS Atis1712LAT4s 1201,80
418IMKRIVONOSOV Oleg2375LAT6w 020-3,40
5101SAVICEVS Arsenijs1906LAT4,5s ½20-5,00
6125CELIK Ali Alper1665TUR3,5w 1201,60
716FMJESSE Ingemars2386LAT6s 020-3,20
899HAGESATHER Nina1915NOR4,5w ½20-4,80
9107KUZNECOVA Marija1865LAT4s 1204,20