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V IRT Clasificatorio a Semifinales del Campeonato Nacional 2022 - Homenaje a la República Italiana

Last update 13.06.2022 02:03:30, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1CMMelian Juan Sebastian3706575PAR2134ABF
2Cantero Rodolfo3703762PAR2062Sajonia
3Centurion Emilio3703118PAR1889Ovetense de Ajedrez
4AFMRiva Eric3702553PAR1776Peón Avanza
5Vera Gajardo Jorge Luis3700712PAR1741Amambay
6Gonzalez Augusto3702529PAR1716Aleman
7Casartelli Vera Vincenzo Fabrizio3709744PAR1590Peón Avanza
8Munoz Orozco Sashir Nicolas3909166PAR1587Porvenir Guaireño
9Vazquez Alejandro3707911PAR1524Porvenir Guaireño
10Caceres Benitez Arturo Eduardo3710769PAR1510Sajonia
11Medina Carlos Fermin3704238PAR1489Ovetense de Ajedrez
12Mayeregger Gonzalez Renata3708900PAR1461ABF
13Da Ponte Vera Giuseppe G.3712095PAR1451ABF
14Amarilla Ettiene Ezequiel3708403PAR1427ABF
15Sanchez Bobadilla Valeria Belen3712206PAR1379Amambay
16Caceres Benitez Fernando Israel3710777PAR1365Sajonia
17Munoz Orozco Shirley Grace3910857PAR1290Porvenir Guaireño
18Mayeregger Gonzalez Fiorella3708845PAR1284ABF
19Lugo Martinez Jimena Sofia3710793PAR1272ABF
20Lopez Bobadilla Fernando3708799PAR1179ABF
21Zarza Raul3704220PAR1170Porvenir Guaireño
22Palazuelos Lopez Carlos Ezequiel3712281PAR1035Amambay
23Aguilar Morinigo Paolo Sebastian3711889PAR0ABF
24Torres Caballero Sofia Anabela3709434PAR0ABF
25Veloso Tintel Emmanuel Ian3713202PAR0Ovetense de Ajedrez