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Interschool Chess Championship Of Bujumbura 2022:14-18

Last update 05.06.2022 14:40:40, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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Starting rank list

1Aarna YerasiBDI0
2Buseri Don BertyBDI0
3Cosmas OwandjaBDI0
4Dusenge DievéBDI0
6Hacimana CédricBDI0
7Halima SaidiBDI0
8Johnson MicahBDI0
9Komali YerasiBDI0
10Kubuntu JosuéBDI0
11Mugwanashaka AntonioBDI0
12Ndayishimiye FranckBDI0
13Ntakirutimana JoshuaBDI0
14Ntezahorirwa Charlses JuniorBDI0
15OMAR Bashar MohamedBDI0
16Sentore Larry Kim DonaldBDI0
17Sentore Quentin AurelBDI0
18Talel Arslan AliyaBDI0
19Twagirayezu JeftéBDI0
20Xiangbo ZhaoBDI0