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G10-Youth Championship of N.Macedonia 2022

Last update 25.06.2022 11:33:04, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

Starting rank list of players

2Kotusheska JovanaMKD0wAlkaloid
1Kumbaroska FevronijaMKD0wAlkaloid
7Manchevska Bojana15011313MKD0wAlkaloid
5Redzep AjdzanMKD0wLasker
8Shukanova AleksandraMKD0wLasker
6Topalovska SonjaMKD0wAlkaloid
3Vangelovska AnastasijaMKD0wGambit Asseko SEE
4Veleva Ilijana15010422MKD0wAlkaloid
9Zimoski NadalinaMKD0wLasker