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U12-Youth Championship of N.Macedonia 2022

Last update 25.06.2022 13:44:23, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

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Starting rank

1Ivanov Andrey2934310MKD1482U12Alkaloid
2Spasov Igor Aleksandar15007790MKD1358U12Gambit Asseko SEE
3Janevski Nikola15010457MKD1332U12Gambit Asseko SEE
4Minovski Blagoja15012603MKD1245U12Alkaloid
5Andonoski Marko15011615MKD0U12Gostivar
6Gjorgiev Luka15011925MKD0U12Alkaloid
7Ilkovski Andrej15012328MKD0U12Veles
8Jovanovski Marko15009556MKD0U12Kumanovo
9Jusufoski Berat15012727MKD0U12Jahja Kemal
10Kavazov Kristijan15012620MKD0U127 Noemvri
11Kostadinoski Luka Naum15012735MKD0U12Lasker
12Markusheski David15012743MKD0U12Prilep
13Mirchevski Darjan15012310MKD0U12Gambit Asseko SEE
14Peshinoski Goran15012751MKD0U12Alkaloid
15Radonjanin Nikola15007774MKD0U12Gambit Asseko SEE