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U18-Youth Championship of N.Macedonia 2022

Last update 25.06.2022 14:00:02, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

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Starting rank

1Veljanoski Andrej15003604MKD2189U18MSK Centar
2Jovanovski Teodor15008266MKD1950U18Alkaloid
3Petreski Leonid15006280MKD1934U18MSK Centar
4Velkoski Stojan15006905MKD1923U18Alkaloid
5Zvezdakoski Matej15004961MKD1871U18Alkaloid
6Tabakovski Dino15007138MKD1697U18Alkaloid
7Hristovski Marjan15008495MKD1526U18Stevo Patako
8Ismaili Admirim15005941MKD1516U18Alkaloid
9Lusheski Konstantin15005275MKD1497U18Lasker
10Fetai Kasif15012360MKD1330U18An Pasan
11Nikolovski Branko Nikola15005933MKD1321U18Lasker
12Rovchanin Filip15011291MKD1007U18Stevo Patako
13Mitrevski Dimitar15012042MKD0U18Stevo Patako