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CMC humansdorp trials

Last update 31.05.2022 09:05:03, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 195)

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Starting rank

1Dube MisheckRSA928
2Salie RiazRSA924
3Taziwa NyamaRSA849
4Le Roux JeanRSA837
5Myburgh BruceRSA763
6Bombota ElamRSA0
7Jayheem LouisRSA487
8Kennedy TroyRSA0
9Krieger BrianRSA848
10Marais RyanRSA0
11Marais SylvaanRSA0
12Mcetywa KhanyaRSA0
13Mounton RubenRSA0
14Ndziradzembhuka WalterZIM1021
15O'Connel JaironRSA0
16Roux ScalkRSA0
17Schreuder AlduRSA0
18Bernades LehanoRSA0