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Jubilee Chess Classic 2022 - Open Section

Senast uppdaterad06.06.2022 21:01:57, Creator/Last Upload: andrewhite

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1Herbert Allan11100206BAR1490
2Curwin Nickaylah7402627JAM1484
3Swaminathan Laia33100063CAY1480
4Skinner Francis10400796BAH1449
5Cardenas Daniel7405880CAY1334
6Powell Malcolm7404719CAY1252
7Abalos Gilbert33100136CAY0
8Dimitrov Lyubomir33100071CAY0
9Giannini Mauro7404816CAY0
10Hill DarrylCAY0
11Jalosjos JairusCAY0
12Marzouca MichaelCAY0
13O’Rourke AidanCAY0
14Rhule AlexanderCAY0
15Sinton Luc33100098CAY0
16Smith JuliusCAY0
17Suico Daniel33100128CAY0
18Suki EusebioCAY0
19Vaidya DeepeshCAY0