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Thailand Qualifying Round For Olympiad, Women

Last update 05.06.2022 07:43:57, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

Starting rank list of players

4WCMPrommuang Araya6204996THA1679
2WFMChuemsakul Sarocha6203710THA1641
6WFMAtikankhotchasee Manunthon6203191THA1508
5Buhagiar Melita Sunan6205640THA1433
1Burbach Anya Belle6205690THA1343
3Roekwiree Kob-Ngoen6207669THA1324
8Khantree Napat6209289THA1290
7Chiadthaisong Kanuengnit6210937THA1225