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XYChess October Classic Open 2022

Posledná aktualizácia 09.10.2022 18:09:25, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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Žrebovanie / výsledky

2. kolo dňa 2022/10/03 o 14:00

š.č.TWhiteEloBody VýsledokBody TBlackEloč.
11IMBerezjuk Sergej23821 1 - 01 Ibrahim Ayman170010
211Caruana George16961 0 - 11 FMVarley Peter21852
33Borges Guilherme Deola21311 1 - 01 Richards John169012
416Benci Rudolf15531 0 - 11 Berezjuk Rostislav19404
57Thake Conrad17751 1 - 01 Refalo Ian158014
618Benci Jozef15201 0 - 11 Crnkovic Predrag17368
79Psaila Mario17201 1 - 01 Azzopardi Ray152917
85Farah Alberto18670 1 - 01 Grima Bongailas Isaac030
925Zangrilli Leonardo12640 0 - 10 Van Ginkel Henk18506
1013Baker John16860 1 - 00 Bjornstad Frode121126
1127Psaila Ocean12040 1 - 00 Abela Andrea142819
1220Kryvenko Daryna14200 1 - 00 Busuttil Naudi Stephen110428
1329Ghirxi Pizzuto Vico00 - - +0 Pleimling Luc140421
1422WCMPsaila Uranchimeg13730 1 - 00 Pistorio Carmelo032
1531Manz Caspar00 0 - 10 Mamo Albert137423
1633Pistorio Ludovico Taddeo Wenye00 0 - 10 Bukovskij Dmitri126824
1734Romeika Ernestas00 ½ voľno 
1815Mizzi Steve15790 0 nežrebovaný