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Österreichische Schachmeisterschaften Buben U10

Last update 20.05.2007 10:57:18, Creator/Last Upload: HR. ERICH GIGERL

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameRtgBdldClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Kessler Luca1716VbgDornbirn6,525,51722,50
23Huber Martin Christian1502StmkSchachfreunde Graz62919,524,00
34Leitner Felix1495JSV U. Mühlviertel4,5251814,00
412Raith Andreas1293StmkWeiz4281913,50
514Hribernig Florian1209KntPSV/Post Klagenfurt4251811,25
68Proyer Enno1440VbgDornbirn422,515,510,00
710Jakob Tobias1365SbgSüd / Inter / Royal3,53121,513,00
811Gludovatz Lukas1356BgldSchach-Ritter Mattersburg3,52719,510,00
96Liao Kenny1458TirLandeck3,52317,59,50
102Ziller Philipp1513BgldSK Raiba Gols326,519,59,25
115Gerhold Florian1471TirTelfs32416,58,00
129Steiner Martin1406Union Neuhofen/Krems323,5166,50
1316Piwonka Thomas0WienSC Donaustadt Wien319144,50
147Andert Thomas1445BgldSk Raiba Gols2,521,5144,50
1515Heissenberger Daniel1200SG Bad Voeslau-Kottingbr121,5161,00
1613Fischer Maximilian1261BgldSchach-Ritter Mattersburg120153,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger Tie-Break (with modified points, analogous to Buchholz Tie-Break)