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Campionat Sub-12 Pla de Lleida 2012

Last update 29.01.2012 08:30:24, Creator/Last Upload: Imma Montoliu Daroca

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Starting rank list

1Sole Pijuan FerranESP1846Lleida
2Cosialls Ris RamonESP1813Almenar
3Marti Trilla AleixESP1777Vallfogona
4Botigue Moles GerardESP1750Balaguer
5Amoros Armente JosepESP1723Lleida
6Mir Carnice JordiESP1708Vilanova
7Monyarch Iniguez GuillemESP1702Lleida
8Costa Esteve RicardESP1700Balafia
9Foix Martinez JoseESP1700Vallfogona
10Freire Martinez Victor AgustinESP1700Balafia
11Llurda Mari RogerESP1700Balafia
12Perez Salas ManuelESP1700Bellpuig
13Planella Vazquez Jose AlejandrESP1700Balaguer