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Turnaj sv. Jana Nepomuckého, A, 2022, 2. ročník

Last update 09.09.2022 14:29:02, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

Starting rank list of players

10IMDolezal Radoslav304735CZE2384
7FMBrejnik Gustav362662CZE2295
5IMHausner Ivan300110CZE2266
1IMMichalek Jan303976CZE2253
6FMSprenar Petr397164CZE2244
2Xylogiannopoulos Antonios4215133GRE2234
9Spirik Jiri301060CZE2223
4IMJurek Josef300993CZE2212
8Flajsman Pavel391476CZE2171
3Kopriva Martin357740CZE2094