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OPEN PALILULA NIS 2022 Nis 27.05-02.06 Tempo: 60 min +30 sec 1800<ELO<2370 Nagradni fond 24000 din (11000, 8000, 5000)

Last update 04.06.2022 01:08:34, Creator/Last Upload: Suhartovic Branislav

Starting rank list of players

1IMMaksimovic Branimir901490SRB2247
4Nikolic Zoran S927295SRB2102
2CMStanojevic Ilija959995SRB2076
5FMRadenkovic Dragan906786SRB2068
3Krstic Andrija Marko958794SRB2051
6Milovanovic Srboljub918040SRB1980
7Savic Ivan918393SRB1929
8Stefanovic Bosko9212218SRB1786