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1. Activity Jugend Cup

Last update 14.04.2012 06:18:06, Creator: GTS Activity GmbH (Mag. Gerald Peraus),Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

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Starting rank list

1Mayrhuber TobiasAUT1516
2Iro ChristianAUT1508
3Busuioc AlexandraAUT1471
4Mayrhuber NikolaAUT1465
5Segal AntonFRA1245
6Fellner DavidAUT1135
7Konecny SophieAUT1086
8Dauz LeonhardAUT0
9Enache DorotheaROU0
10Enache IrisROU0
11Filek MattiasAUT0
12Maierhofer FelixAUT0
13Mitas LuisAUT0
14Peraus NatalieAUT0
15Steiner Tobias DominikAUT0