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15th Sport for all chess championship

Posledná aktualizácia 13.05.2022 15:52:48, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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1Abebe AdaneETH0
2Abebe BasaznewETH0
3Abera ResomETH0
4Abubeker HajiETH0
5Alemseged MegersaETH0
6Azanaw MekanintETH0
7Bruk BogaleETH0
8Bruk KetemaETH0
9Chane DagneETH0
10Derartu NiftalemETH0
11Eyerusalem JemereETH0
12Fitsum WeldeabETH0
13Gashaw SamuelETH0
14Girma KergaETH0
15Ketema KewyETH0
16Mokonen AsmamawETH0
17Sintayehu TesfayeETH0
18Sitotaw GetahunETH0
19Yezina MunieETH0
20Yirga DargeETH0
21Zelalem TilahunETH0