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2022 m. Lietuvos moterų šachmatų čempionato finalas

Last update 29.05.2022 13:28:30, Creator/Last Upload: Vaznonis Donatas. (LTU)

Starting rank list of players

4WIMZaksaite Salomeja12801496LTU2215
5WIMMartynkova Olena14134039LTU2204
7WFMSibajeva Marija12807583LTU2023
10Simkunaite Gabija12808253LTU1998
3Baliuniene Margarita12802760LTU1970
2Perminaite Guoda12808784LTU1756
6WCMBajoraite Rita12801348LTU1728
1Plutaite Ausra12811548LTU1544
8Perminaite Simona12811386LTU1537
9Gedvilaite Barbora12826570LTU1478