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National Women's Championship 2022

Last update 29.05.2022 18:35:19, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

Starting rank list of players

2Callender Jessica19700547GUY1333
1Shariff Sasha Christina19700687GUY1187
5Johnson Nellisha19700750GUY1101
3Lam Pooja19701500GUY1066
6Alphonso Adia19701870GUY0
8Johnson Waveney Oshanna19701004GUY0
4Lall Anaya19701527GUY0
10McAdam Alexia Christy-Ana19702400GUY0
9Rahim Angel Raeesah Nayelli19700903GUY0
7Rajkumar Maliha Dhana19700881GUY0