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Seletivas Internacionais 2022 - Xadrez Masculino

Darrera actualització16.05.2022 03:08:34, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Rànquing inicial

1FILGUEIRAS Nathan FelipeBRA2351Univali-SC
2FROIS Vitor AmorimBRA2169Usp-SP
3DOBUCHAK Thiago CarstensBRA2163Ufsc-SC
4CAVALCANTE Adriano NunesBRA1965Ufc-CE
5SANTOS Matheus SilvaBRA1945Ufs-SE
6DE PAULA Luan AraujoBRA1910Ifsp-SP
7SOUZA DOS SANTOS Matheus GarcettBRA1877Ufms-MS
8FREIRE Danilo Gaspar RamosBRA1860Ufs-SE
9ALMEIDA Ygor De SouzaBRA1839Unb-DF
10DA SILVA Francisco Iran SantosBRA1825Ufc-CE
11NETO BARBOSA Jose JoaoBRA1800Mackenzie-SP
12SALES Leonardo ToledoBRA1800Unb- DF
13CAVALCANTE Raire dos SantosBRA1800Unb-DF
14ANDRADE Guilherme A. De SouzaBRA1796Ufms-MS