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Ropotamo invitational, 1-7.06.2022

Last update 07.06.2022 12:05:17, Creator/Last Upload: 2905108 Yordanova, Svetla IA C

Starting rank list of players

1GMNinov Nikolai2900424BUL2412
9GMGeorgiev Krum2900092BUL2306
6FMCupic Lovro14517299CRO2295
5Georgiev Todor2916088BUL2279
2IMDimitrov Atanas2901315GRE2250
8IMMrdja Milan14500337CRO2217
4CMKanov Nikola2928531BUL2186
7IMSmolin Sergey4131177UKR2175
3Vardakas Grigorios4264843GRE2173
10IMMarholev Dimitar2901340BUL2172