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2022 High Schools Chess Championships

Last update 08.05.2022 23:06:52, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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Rank after Round 5

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
127NewMillenium B541023,590
219Methodist A54102390
314Masowe A541021,590
442Lesia B54102090
538St Stephens A52212060
620Methodist B540119,580
723Molapo B54011882
84CK A54011880
910Lesotho HS52211860
1035St Boniface A53021860
1137St Patriks A52031840
136Itekeng A521217,550
1439St Stephens C54011780
1531Sefika HS522116,560
1629Seeiso HS-A520316,540
1726NewMillenium A52031640
1913Likuena C530215,560
2112Likuena A52121550
2217Mazenod A521214,550
2340Lesia A52121450
2433SH HS B51221440
2515Masowe B52031440
2643Lesia C420213,550
2822Molapo A52031340
2921Methodist C511312,531
3032SH HS A511312,531
3134SH HS C52121250
3241St Michaels C52031240
3336St Patricks C50231220
345Holy Family510411,520
357Itekeng C51131130
3624Molapo C510410,520
3730Seeiso HS-B51131030
381BB C41038,530
3916Masowe C5104820
4118Mazenod C40041,510
428Leqele A0000000
9Leqele B0000000

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints