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Oost-Vlaams schoolschaakkampioenschap 2022

Last update 08.05.2022 11:19:26, Creator/Last Upload: mverkimpe

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
12Don Boscocollege Zwijnaarde77001424,50
21Sint-Franciscusinstituut Brakel760112210
39Broederschool Humaniora Sint-Niklaas74211020,50
43Sint-Barbaracollege Gent75021018,50
57Sint-Jozefscollege Aalst74129150
617GO! Lyceum Gent - Campus Portus74038170
75Sint-Lievenscollege Gent74038170
84GO! Atheneum Voskenslaan Gent 17403815,50
920Sint-Vincentiuscollege Buggenhout73228140
108OLVP Sint-Niklaas7403812,50
1111Sint-Janscollege Oude Bareel73137160
1212Campus Impuls Oostakker73137140
1310College O.-L.-V.-ten-Doorn Eeklo73137130
146Einstein Atheneum Evergem73046130
1516GO! Atheneum Voskenslaan Gent 272236122
1621VBS Sint-Franciscus Evergem73046120
1713College Paters Jozefieten Melle72145110
1818GO! Middenschool Voskenslaan Gent 1721459,50
1915De Speelplaneet Gijzegem720549,50
2022Vrije Basisschool Beke711539,50
2114Sint-Catharinaschool Sinaai710628,50
2219Sint-Elooischool Merelbeke701614,50

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints