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Closing ceremony at 21:00

World Youth Blitz Championships 2022 Girls under 16

Last update 03.05.2022 16:33:20, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

Player overview for EST

11Krivenko Dion1978EST011101½004,5122024,20Open 18
13Mikko Rondo1968EST10011010042420-36,60Open 16
35Dzjuba Jegor1223EST01010½0103,5292045,60Open 16
21Pallum Rasmus1471EST01101½00½423202,40Open 14
29Rajandu Aaron1402EST01011100½4,526207,00Open 12
14Kais Kristofer1091EST00101010142420-7,40Open 08
3WCMBlokhin Sofia1764EST1011010116320-4,60Girls 16
7Shadrina Eva1350EST011½0013,5920-14,60Girls 14
9Haapsal Maria Ioanna1217EST011½0114,552038,40Girls 14

Results of the last round for EST

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Goroshkov Maksym2199 1 - 0 Krivenko Dion1978
Franc Borna19014 1 - 04 Mikko Rondo1968
Dzjuba Jegor1223 0 - 1 Kovalskyi Roman1897
Pallum Rasmus1471 ½ - ½ Kos Nikola1628
Rajandu Aaron14024 ½ - ½4 Ochedzan Filip1413
Kais Kristofer10913 1 - 02 Tzermiadianos Dimitrios0
WCMBlokhin Sofia17645 1 - 05 Siekanska Maria1723
Haapsal Maria Ioanna1217 1 - 06 Seemann Pola1439
Shadrina Eva1350 1 bye  

Player details for EST

Krivenko Dion 1978 EST Rp:2094 Pts. 4,5
11FMNogerbek Kazybek2441KAZ8w 020-1,60
218Mikulis Borsoi Luca1585ITA3,5s 1201,60
33FMFromm Marius2299GER5w 12017,40
47Kushko Dmitriy2193UKR5s 12015,40
515Gomez Barrera Gonzalo Andres1792CHI4,5w 020-14,80
612FMOchedzan Tymon1965POL6s 1209,60
74FMMorgunov Marc2240AUT4,5s ½206,40
88IMCan Isik2130TUR7w 020-6,00
96Goroshkov Maksym2199UKR5,5s 020-4,40
Mikko Rondo 1968 EST Rp:1715 Pts. 4
131Pelling Kyle1487ENG2,5s 1201,60
24Trushko Andrii2222UKR7w 020-3,80
321Skrbec Leon1851SLO5s 020-13,20
433Diakidis Kostas Michail Georgi1384GRE3w 1201,60
535Dzjuba Jegor1223EST3,5s 1201,60
62Garner Isaac2283GER6w 020-2,80
732Candian Lorenzo1393ITA4s 1201,60
86CMOlenik Campa Rudi2076SLO6w 020-7,00
918Franc Borna1901CRO5s 020-11,80
Dzjuba Jegor 1223 EST Rp:1720 Pts. 3,5
117Javornik Nik1920SLO5w 020-1,60
2-bye- --- 1
318Franc Borna1901CRO5s 020-1,60
422Pick Max1841GER3,5s 12018,40
513Mikko Rondo1968EST4w 020-1,60
624Klugstedt Vincent1796GER4s ½208,40
78Herega Nejc2047SLO4,5w 020-1,60
829Kien Lancelot1517MNC3s 12017,00
919Kovalskyi Roman1897UKR4,5w 020-1,60
Pallum Rasmus 1471 EST Rp:1514 Pts. 4
12Lavrencic Matic2037SLO5w 020-1,60
232Jaramillo Rivas Renato1286CHI3s 1205,20
339Samorukov Egor1033MNC3,5w 1201,60
46Pilshofer Paul1957AUT4,5s 020-1,60
536Glavac Leo1143SLO4,5w 1202,60
622Soojay Jorah1463RSA5s ½20-0,20
78Kozlovic Jernej1937SLO5w 020-1,60
820Pal Rohan1532ENG4,5s 020-8,40
918Kos Nikola1628CRO4w ½204,20
Rajandu Aaron 1402 EST Rp:1457 Pts. 4,5
13Dotzer Lukas2026AUT5,5w 020-1,60
244Silaghi Matias-Radu1150ROU1,5s 1203,80
315Gloeckler Christian1595GER6w 020-5,00
449Cockin Ruan0RSA2,5s 1
519Buchinger Alexis1540GER5,5w 12013,80
613Tureshbayev Anuar1660FRA4,5s 12016,40
738Soulier Alfred1293ENG5,5w 020-13,00
826Zhauynbay Aldiyar1434KAZ6s 020-9,20
928Ochedzan Filip1413POL4,5w ½200,40
Kais Kristofer 1091 EST Rp:977 Pts. 4
130Trejbal Jindrich0CZE4s 0
222Kriuchkov Nikita0MNC4w 0
324Loeffelholz Jonas0GER4s 1
426Orman Attila0AZE6w 0
525Meitzner Jonathan Franz0GER4,5w 1
633Yavorskyi Yevhen0UKR5s 0
732Vedrickas Aistis0LTU3w 1
89Stoyanov Victor1183MNC5s 020-7,40
931Tzermiadianos Dimitrios0GRE2w 1
WCM Blokhin Sofia 1764 EST Rp:1696 Pts. 6
112Maton Emily1283ENG4,5s 1201,60
28AIMChuchukova Stefani1449BUL5w 020-17,20
31Mihelic Vesna1879SLO5w 12013,20
49WFMAydin Gulenay1429TUR5,5s 1202,40
55WCMStarosta Martyna1707POL8w 020-11,60
67WFMSala Giulia1648ITA4,5s 1206,80
72WFMOmonova Umida1817UZB8,5s 020-8,60
815Nel Hayley1206RSA4,5w 1201,60
94Siekanska Maria1723POL5w 1208,80
Shadrina Eva 1350 EST Rp:1266 Pts. 3,5
11Hajdinic Ema1656CRO4w 020-2,80
210Barbier-Ramaiah Riya Aude1176ENG2s 1205,40
311Trushko Anastasia1082UKR3w 1203,40
49Haapsal Maria Ioanna1217EST4,5s ½20-3,60
53Bendik Margarita1457FID3,5s 020-7,00
68Gaszka Zuzanna1349POL5w 020-10,00
7-bye- --- 1
Haapsal Maria Ioanna 1217 EST Rp:1468 Pts. 4,5
13Bendik Margarita1457FID3,5w 020-4,00
212Fischer Duarte Lya0CHI1,5s 1
31Hajdinic Ema1656CRO4w 12018,40
47Shadrina Eva1350EST3,5w ½203,60
52AIMKaras Eugenia1579ENG4,5s 020-2,00
611Trushko Anastasia1082UKR3s 1206,40
75Seemann Pola1439POL6w 12015,60