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Olomouc Chess Summer 2022 - D open seniors tournament

Last update 20.08.2022 14:07:35, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

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Round 3 on 2022/08/14 at 16:00

Bo.No.WhiteTypRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackTypRtgNo.PGN
116Cap Piotr20252 ½ - ½2 FMStigar Petter22122PGN
23FMNemec PavelS6521592 ½ - ½2 Dusbaba KarelS50200518PGN
322Marek JiriS5019092 0 - 12 FMSejkora VlastimilS6521514PGN
423Dvorak VladimirS6519002 ½ - ½2 Kubicek AntoninS7520848PGN
530Sedlak LudekS6518522 ½ - ½2 FMMikulas Dusan204512PGN
636Kotva MilanS6518292 0 - 12 Vales VaclavS50203614PGN
71FMVrana FrantisekS502214 0 - 12 Molnar JiriS50179740PGN
85FMBartos JanS502137 1 - 0 Kucera JiriS50196720PGN
943Loibl Johann1784 0 - 1 Johnsen Gunnar21376PGN
107Lorenc OldrichS652111 1 - 0 Navratil JiriS50189824PGN
1111Pospisil EvzenS652045 ½ - ½ Musil VitezslavS65185728PGN
1213Jerman RichardS652038 1 - 0 Prucek LadislavS50183434PGN
1315Heppell Ian N2031 ½ - ½ Zidu JanS50181538PGN
1419Kudrlicka LadislavS652003 0 - 1 Bartos AloisS65184332PGN
159Krejci JanS5020551 1 - 01 Kasparek JiriS65176047PGN
1649Burda JosefS6517561 0 - 11 Mlynek PetrS75204710PGN
1717Kastner OldrichS5020061 ½ - ½1 Barabas AlesS50175648
1821Novotny JaroslavS6519141 0 - 11 Zeman LadislavS75175550
1925CMPetras MilanS5018961 ½ - ½1 Kulhavy FrantisekS65175551
2053Lexa VaclavS6517411 1 - 01 Ni Polina187126
2127Svub JanS6518571 ½ - ½1 Rehak JiriS65174952
2229Fiala JiriS6518531 ½ - ½1 Sterba MichalS50167057
2331Spanton Tim R18521 1 - 01 Kostal ZdislavS65164659
2433Huncar Martin18411 ½ - ½1 Klezl FrantisekS75164660
2535Lemsom Nico18301 ½ - ½1 Koudelka MilosS65164062
2637Tomanek Rafael18281 ½ - ½1 Zitek JiriS65161166
2739Aird Ian18091 1 - 01 Ricar JiriS50157771
2841Fiser MilosS6517891 1 - 01 Glacner KarelS75145180
2979Pindura VladimirS7514761 ½ - ½1 Kolek JosefS65178742
3081Stola StanislavS6514511 0 - 11 Fiser JiriS75176844
3188Rotrekl RostislavS501806½ ½ - ½½ Gurtovoi Borys170154
3255Vit ZdenekS751690½ ½ - ½½ Privoznik LubosS65159469
3361Markus Roland1644½ 0 - 1½ Divis JanS75150776
3464Kryst KonradS751614½ ½ - ½½ Kapolka StefanS65140884
3545Klimes JiriS7517640 1 - 0½ Milfort VaclavS75129087
3646Rumsey Victor B17640 1 - 00 Tolar JanS75157573
3774Novak BorivojS6515710 0 - 10 Macoun JiriS75167556
3877Biolkova JanaS5015000 ½ - ½0 Reichmann PavelS75166458
3965Thierry Rein16130 ½ - ½0 Dosoudil PavelS75151875
4067Collins Alan16040 ½ - ½0 Rychtecky PavelS75148078
4168Svec LudekS7516030 1 - 00 Novak RudolfS75143882
4283Stross FrantisekS6514190 0 - 10 Vorel BohuslavS50159170
4372Kearsley Raymond J15770 1 - 00 Hamernik PavelS65089
4485Novak MiroslavS7513560 1 bye 
4563CMBuciu Aurel-John16380 0 not paired 
4686Misun MiroslavS6513390 0 not paired