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Olomouc Chess Summer 2022 - D open seniors tournament

Last update 20.08.2022 14:07:35, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

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Round 2 on 2022/08/14 at 09:00

Bo.No.WhiteTypRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackTypRtgNo.PGN
124Navratil JiriS5018981 ½ - ½1 FMVrana FrantisekS5022141PGN
22FMStigar Petter22121 1 - 01 Svub JanS65185727PGN
326Ni Polina18711 0 - 11 FMNemec PavelS6521593PGN
44FMSejkora VlastimilS6521511 1 - 01 Fiala JiriS65185329PGN
528Musil VitezslavS6518571 ½ - ½1 Lorenc OldrichS6521117PGN
68Kubicek AntoninS7520841 1 - 01 Spanton Tim R185231PGN
730Sedlak LudekS6518521 1 - 01 Krejci JanS5020559PGN
812FMMikulas Dusan20451 1 - 01 Huncar Martin184133PGN
932Bartos AloisS6518431 ½ - ½1 Jerman RichardS65203813PGN
1014Vales VaclavS5020361 1 - 01 Tomanek Rafael182837PGN
1134Prucek LadislavS5018341 ½ - ½1 Heppell Ian N203115PGN
1216Cap Piotr20251 1 - 01 Aird Ian180939PGN
1336Kotva MilanS6518291 1 - 01 Kastner OldrichS50200617PGN
1418Dusbaba KarelS5020051 1 - 01 Fiser MilosS65178941PGN
1538Zidu JanS5018151 ½ - ½1 Kudrlicka LadislavS65200319PGN
1620Kucera JiriS5019671 ½ - ½1 Loibl Johann178443PGN
1740Molnar JiriS5017971 1 - 01 Novotny JaroslavS65191421
1822Marek JiriS5019091 1 - 01 Lexa VaclavS65174153
1980Glacner KarelS7514511 0 - 11 Dvorak VladimirS65190023
2054Gurtovoi Borys1701½ 0 - 1½ FMBartos JanS5021375
216Johnsen Gunnar2137½ 1 - 0½ Rotrekl RostislavS50180688
2269Privoznik LubosS651594½ 0 - 1½ Pospisil EvzenS65204511
2348Barabas AlesS501756½ ½ - ½½ CMPetras MilanS50189625
2442Kolek JosefS651787½ ½ - ½½ Burda JosefS65175649
2510Mlynek PetrS7520470 1 - 00 Svec LudekS75160368
2670Vorel BohuslavS5015910 0 - 10 Lemsom Nico183035
2744Fiser JiriS7517680 1 - 00 Kearsley Raymond J157772
2871Ricar JiriS5015770 1 - 00 Klimes JiriS75176445
2973Tolar JanS7515750 0 - 10 Kasparek JiriS65176047
3050Zeman LadislavS7517550 1 - 00 Novak BorivojS65157174
3175Dosoudil PavelS7515180 0 - 10 Kulhavy FrantisekS65175551
3252Rehak JiriS6517490 1 - 00 Biolkova JanaS50150077
3376Divis JanS7515070 ½ - ½0 Vit ZdenekS75169055
3456Macoun JiriS7516750 0 - 10 Pindura VladimirS75147679
3578Rychtecky PavelS7514800 0 - 10 Sterba MichalS50167057
3658Reichmann PavelS7516640 0 - 10 Stola StanislavS65145181
3782Novak RudolfS7514380 0 - 10 Kostal ZdislavS65164659
3860Klezl FrantisekS7516460 1 - 00 Stross FrantisekS65141983
3984Kapolka StefanS6514080 ½ - ½0 Markus Roland164461
4062Koudelka MilosS6516400 1 - 00 Novak MiroslavS75135685
4187Milfort VaclavS7512900 ½ - ½0 Kryst KonradS75161464
4289Hamernik PavelS6500 0 - 10 Zitek JiriS65161166
4346Rumsey Victor B17640 0 not paired 
4463CMBuciu Aurel-John16380 0 not paired 
4565Thierry Rein16130 0 not paired 
4667Collins Alan16040 0 not paired 
4786Misun MiroslavS6513390 0 not paired