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GCF Open Qualifying Tournament for National Championships

Senast uppdaterad15.05.2022 23:07:05, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

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1CMMeusa Wendell11100702GUY1998
2FMDrayton Anthony19700261GUY1950
3Nathoo Loris19700083GUY1682
4Neto Roberto19700318GUY1654
5Hussain Rashad19700229GUY1557
6De Silva Justino Manuelo John19700849GUY1549
7Tiwari Errol19700032GUY1485
8Farley Frankie19700148GUY1483
9Lee Ethan19700660GUY1400
10Sharma Rai Jagat19700474GUY1382
11Bentinck JelaniGUY0
12Khan Mayas19701535GUY0
13Persaud Ethan19701446GUY0
14Taylor Godfrey Bartholomew19702396GUY0