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2012 IRT Invitational de la Manta Real

Last update 07.01.2012 14:21:49, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

1Torres Carlos Andres44213454421345COL203920392039
2Morantes Maldonado Brando G44077334407733COL199819981998
3Corredor Fabian44092994409299COL199119911991
4Cortes Maria Angelica44153614415361COL198819881988
5Abril Bernal Jhonatan44108744410874COL194019401940
6Morantes Maldonado Hans M44084464408446COL192519251925
7Nieto Manuel Valerio Waldo44096124409612COL190319031903
8Nieto Guillermo Luigui Ubald44096044409604COL186118611861
9Rojas Castillo Andrea Lizeth44097014409701COL175817581758
10Silva Suna Juan Esteban44217284421728COL164316431643