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42. Schulschachlandesmeisterschaft OÖ Sekundarstufe 1

Last update 27.04.2022 17:36:34, Creator/Last Upload: Dir. Hubert Kammerhuber

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
118BG Khevenhüller Linz752021,5120121,5
29Bildungsw. Knittlingerhof751121,5110120,5
36BRG Traun 1751120110122
43BG Gmunden74121890121
513MS Oberneukirchen74031880122
612BG Steyr 1742116,5100100,5
74MS Hofkirchen/Tr.74211610098,5
832MS Altheim725015,590103
92BRG Freistadt74031580104,5
1010BRG Rohrbach73221580103,5
1116PTS Bad Leonfelden 173221580100,5
1223MS Steyregg732214,58097,5
1314MS Neukirchen/V.723214,571108,5
1424MMS Neufelden723214,57195
1517BG Steyr 272321470103
1625MS 2 Ennsleite732213,58094
1727MS Lauriacum Enns723213,57098
1819BRG Traun 2722313,560105,5
1922SMS Schwanenstadt 1722313,56094,5
201MMS Eggelsberg713313,55096
2129EG Auhof Linz7322138095
2228SMS Schwanenstadt 27232137094
2315MS Neukirchen/E. 1731312,57088,5
2431PTS Bad Leonfelden 27304126291,5
258MS Perg Stadtzentrum7223126082,5
2611BG/BRG Schärding713311,55094
2721MS Schwertberg720511,54084
2820MS Pregarten7124114080,5
295MS Grünburg72059,54082
3030PTS Steyr712494081,5
3126MS Neukirchen/E. 270258,52076
327BG Körnerstraße Linz71067,52077

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents)