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Vezerkepzo April GM Lengyel Levente Memorial 2022

Last update 04.05.2022 14:59:18, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 22

Starting rank list of players

10GMAczel Gergely727709HUN2539
5GMAveskulov Valeriy14109743UKR2529
6GMNeverov Valeriy14100150UKR2453
8FMRoyal Shreyas448869ENG2440
4IMSturt Raven2007304USA2409
1FMPapp Levente751243HUN2399
2IMRoy Prantik5035120IND2368
3FMFiedorek Michal1199528POL2321
9CMSnehal Bhosale5021995IND2236
7CMLohia Sohum5819369ENG2196