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ŠK Bohemia Pardubice - Vánoční bleskový turnaj 2011

Last update 29.12.2011 19:29:55, Creator/Last Upload: AVE-KONTAKT Pardubice CZE

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Final Ranking after 13 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Pacovsky JiriCZE2264SK PORG Praha119781,510
22FMJedlicka AlesCZE22412222 SK Polabiny9,599,5828
35Petuchov SergejCZE2145SK Rapid Pardubice, o.s.9,597829
49Horacek MichalCZE2063SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.8,597,580,58
513Trojan LubosCZE20322222 SK Polabiny896816
63Sir ZbynekCZE2199SK Rapid Pardubice, o.s.7,5101,5846
728Diblik RudolfCZE10007,599,582,56
819Zelenka JaroslavCZE1948SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.7,593,5807
96Vesely TomasCZE2128SK Rapid Pardubice, o.s.796795
1014Just PavelCZE20292222 SK Polabiny795806
1125Kolomaznik JanCZE1993TJ Sparta Kutna Hora794796
124Navratil FrantisekCZE21932222 SK Polabiny6,5101,584,55
138Slosar JanCZE2065SK Rapid Pardubice, o.s.6,596825
1416Mazuch JanCZE1995SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.6,587,5746
1512Korol JiriCZE20482222 SK Polabiny6,578666
1610Trasak OndrejCZE2062SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.6,57665,56
1718Mazura TomasCZE1954SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.6,575665
1817Vesely EmanuelCZE1965SK Rapid Pardubice, o.s.6,571,5626
1922Janko JanCZE1821SK Rapid Pardubice, o.s.6,56859,56
207Vodicka PavelCZE2082SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.67666,55
2115Nadrchal TomasCZE2010SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.676646
2220Hon JiriCZE1872SK Rapid Pardubice, o.s.670,562,55
2323Juchelka PetrCZE1794SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.668,5594
2427Voldanova BarboraCZE1425SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.471,562,53
2521Skroch MartinCZE18402222 SK Polabiny471,5613
2611Urbanek JosefCZE2054SK Bohemia Pardubice o.s.470,5624
2724Vorel BohuslavCZE17612222 SK Polabiny37062,52
2826Kvapil PavelCZE15542222 SK Polabiny171,5620

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories