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Ayr Minor

Last update 24.04.2022 18:35:36, Creator: 4NCL,Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank list

1Freel Lawrence2402513SCO1337Hamilton
2Keegan James2408929SCO1260Ardrossan
3Wardlaw Tom2410591SCO1236Perth
4Gillies Andrew2410478SCO1148Hamilton
5Gillies Darren2404699SCO1147Hamilton
6Rodriguez Rosales Alvaro5132061MEX1127Bearsden
7Saemundsson Thor2407493SCO1127Hamilton
8Mcalister Duncan2410605ENG1109Carrick
9Dallas AlastairSCO1059
10Smith Mark2405113SCO1051Edinburgh
11Mclaughlin RobertSCO1028Ardrossan
12Mccusker Kirsty2404397SCO1021Hamilton
13Reid JoshuaENG936Hamilton
14Waugh PeterSCO905
15Reid NicholasENG885Hamilton
16Shields Iain2410427SCO0Phones