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38th St Albans Congress - Intermediate ECF 1750

Last update 26.04.2022 12:20:52, Creator/Last Upload: hsca

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameTypFEDRtgClub/City TB1 
16Prince Alan RSCO1695Brentwood4,5
24Jones JonathanENG1561Steynton4,5
34Kitchen John Fs65ENG1730Metropolitan4
417Lawrence Adrian MENG16233,5
30Hammett ScottWLS1495Steynton3,5
32Keerthi Kumar Advaitu14ENG1241Watford3,5
71Pepe SalvatoreENG1741Hendon3
2Williams StephenWLS1738Cwmbran3
11Belinger Johns65ENG1666New Milton3
18De Block GertBEL1622Cambridge City3
26Sachdeva RonitENG1545Royal Grammar School Guildford3
27Koppuravuri Shrihanu14ENG1541Buckinghamshire Juniors3
31Hariharan Shambaviu14ENG1404Oxford High School3
1410Botev LubomirENG1679St Albans2,5
14Webster VivienENG1653Halifax2,5
15Gilbert David JENG1630DHSS2,5
28Chan Michelle Ngo Yuu14ENG1525St Albans2,5
183Fisher NealENG1732Peterborough2
12Woolacott RobENG1660Swale2
19Taylor Stephen AENG1621St Albans2
20Cale Chriss65ENG1619St Albans2
22Kadalarasan Ganesh BalajiWLS1589Uxbridge2
29Chadwick Susan Es65ENG1521Brighton & Hove2
245Jones Huws65WLS1713Wales1,5
7Homer Neil SENG16924ncl The Pitstop1,5
8Page Robert Gs65ENG1685Broadstairs1,5
9Plumb Michael Ds65ENG1684Bognor & Arun1,5
21Laskier Pauls65ENG1610St Albans1,5
2923Vig SanjayENG1565Watford1
3013Bryant Marc AENG1654Hastings & St Leonards0,5
3116Naldrett Geoff WENG1627Gerrards Cross0
25Ganner TonyENG1556Gerrards Cross0

Tie Break1: points (game-points)