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Eden Open 2022_C-Section

Last update 23.04.2022 15:32:46, Creator/Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Jacobs Eugeniel1110135421WEG1086
2Cornforth Kayleigh2120116532RSA1069
3Muller Kieran1100119486RSA973
4Prins Eddie1120119465RSA936
5Jansen Van Rensburg Zandre1100119437RSA934
6Da Silva Darren1110130128RSA914
7Schmidt Ulrich1110134726RSA905
8Mncube Sifiso1110135825RSA825
9Kruger Riasha2100108133RSA794
10Van Staden Pearson1140136966RSA733
11Sampson Eejay1120118497RSA661
12Blignaut Dane Chelsea2130134504RSA629
13Zaaiman Jana2130136603RSA547
14Booysen Chad0WEG0
15Jantjies Tresne0WEG0
16Siko Unako0WEG0
17Stali Sibusiso0WEG0
18Taylor Menirva2110136941RSA0
19Wanie Amy Lee2110136943RSA0
20Windvogel Nayron0WEG0