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2011-2012 Australian Reserves

Last update 08.01.2012 07:10:21, Creator/Last Upload: Australian Chess Enterprises

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Starting rank

1Savige Colin BAUS2079
2Dalton SamuelAUS2062
3Penrose JustinAUS2031
4Raine MarcusAUS2000
5FMHamilton Douglas GAUS1999
6Dowling JohnUSA1987
7Stead KerryAUS1981
8Yin WenlinAUS1942
9Lekkas FrankAUS1939
10Khaled OmarBAN1936
11Spuler DavidAUS1936
12Sugrue MichaelAUS1916
13Addamo MichaelAUS1906
14Dale AriAUS1892
15Barrow NigelAUS1891
16Kordahi NicholasAUS1869
17Wan KintoAUS1850
18Lilly RichardAUS1847
19Setiabudi AllenAUS1847
20Ingram BennyAUS1846
21Loh ZacharyAUS1846
22Voon RichardAUS1842
23Anderson AlistairAUS1840
24Wyss FelixAUS1822
25Rout Ian CAUS1809
26Davis Tony JAUS1807
27Fry PeterAUS1802
28Wan DennisAUS1762
29Bishop JoshuaAUS1758
30Bennett MatthewAUS1746
31Visser JohanAUS1740
32Chmiel RadAUS1736
33WCMWijesuriya G VAUS1716
34Skeltys KimAUS1709
35Chew Lee MaxAUS1703
36Gibson KyleAUS1675
37McKenzie ColinAUS1674
38Antoniazzi FrancescoAUS1656
39Babic ZoranAUS1654
40Buciu Aurel-JohnAUS1637
41Jack MartinAUS1633
42Van Riel BasAUS1626
43Parker TrentAUS1622
44Cook PatrickAUS1608
45Stokie WilliamAUS1605
46Simmonds LeteishaAUS1599
47Bakanursky JoshAUS1596
48Stokes Mark CAUS1581
49Beckman JohnAUS1569
50Perrin KevinAUS1557
51Setiabudi MeganAUS1552
52Placentino MichaelAUS1545
53Dickson IanAUS1542
54Vuglar ShanonAUS1537
55Kersten BenAUS1536
56Barber GeoffreyAUS1535
57Ingham GlennAUS1520
58Puccini JackAUS1480
59Chung Edwin Shu HonAUS1458
60Radisich MattAUS1402
61Cekulis MarisAUS1400
62Wilkie MaryAUS1395
63Renzies ElliottAUS1387
64Nemaric TomAUS1377
65Willathgamuwa KevinAUS1369
66Summerfield JohnAUS1368
67Willathgamuwa RowanAUS1364
68Dale FinleyAUS1306
69Langer JohnAUS1281
70Humphrey JohnAUS1277
71Mutu ConAUS1274
72Chew JasonAUS1162
73Gamage ThumulaAUS1154
74Chew Lee AlannaAUS980
75Ebeyan ThomasAUS878
76Mendes AmeliaAUS157