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27.04: Tehnička konferencija u 13:00
Parovi prvog kola u 14:30.
Početak prvog kola u 16:00
28.04: Lekarski pregled i izdavanje uverenja od 10:00-14:00


15. Kadetski festival ŠS Srbije - M18

Last update 03.05.2022 14:03:29, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

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Starting rank

1IMTadic Stefan958980SRB2358
2Ivanovic Marko967408SRB2297
3FMPetrovic Aleksa967629SRB2266
4Pajcin Lav966746SRB2173
5Radojicic Aleksandar M979694SRB2139
6Gagic Milan A979805SRB2119
7Pavicevic Jovan R981770SRB2045
8Gvozdenovic Milos983772SRB1977
9Popovic Mladen D990019SRB1905
10Bozanic Jovan974412SRB1785
11Stankovic Igor978957SRB1774
12Kocalo Luka991945SRB1710
13Popovic Vojin983802SRB1637
14Medic Relja980064SRB1593
15Krasko Aleksa990388SRB1592