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Ch BLR U20 2022 U20

Darrera actualització22.04.2022 13:20:54, Creador/Darrera càrrega: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Llista del rànquing inicial

9IMLazavik Denis13515110BLR2483
2IMZarubitski Viachaslau13509373BLR2438
5FMTsaruk Maksim13511173BLR2405
3FMStribuk Artiom13515659BLR2263
10FMSiniauski Artsiom13512269BLR2222
7FMSilich Yahor13513656BLR2221
4FMRunets Ivan13511564BLR2194
12CMNavumenka Mikhei13514075BLR2138
6Hryharovich Aliaksei13521209BLR2100
11Vainerchuk Barys13512595BLR1997
8Bialiauski Artsiom13516108BLR1996
1Klachkou Platon13514180BLR1992