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Tournoi de la Francophonie Open de Bujumbura 2022

Last update 09.04.2022 22:00:05, Creator: Duke Michieka,Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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Starting rank list

1Muheto Dieudonne20300352BDI1802
2Jeremie Derain20300301BDI1781
3Ntagasigumwami Deo20300034BDI1737
4Mutabazi Hugues20300387BDI1654
5Carnino Jean-Yves Vincent20300565BDI0
6Gakiza Bertrand20300417BDI0
7Ingabire Alain -Michel20300395BDI0
8Iradukunda Jospin20300573BDI0
9Jitimay Josue20300581BDI0
10Mugisha Noella20300468BDI0
11Rukundo Joe Stephane20300549BDI0