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30. ekipno osnovnošolsko državno prvenstvo 2021/22 - F12

Last update 09.04.2022 17:58:26, Creator/Last Upload: slochess

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
12OŠ Ljudski vrt Ptuj9900188731
24OŠ Janka Modra Dol pri LJ9621149026,5
35OŠ Kajetana Koviča Poljčane9621148825,5
41OŠ Ob Dravinji Sl. Konjice9603129124
57OŠ Angela Besednjaka Maribor9504108417,5
611OŠ Jakoba Aljaža Kranj9504107818
715OŠ Riharda Jakopiča941499317
813OŠ Marije Vere941499315
910OŠ Brezovica941497318
108OŠ Artiče933397318
1118OŠ Šmihel933396618,5
123Prva OŠ Slovenj Gradec924387717,5
136OŠ Bratov Polančičev Maribor932487018
1416OŠ Rodica932486816
159OŠ Bogojina921655912
1612OŠ Livade Izola912646110
1714OŠ Otočec911736710,5
1817OŠ Sava Kladnika Sevnica911736311

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: Sum Matchpoints (2,1,0) without lowest result (Olympiad Khanty-Mansiysk)
Tie Break3: points (game-points)