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Maccabiah Closed GM Tournament - 2022

Last update 22.07.2022 14:19:22, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 50)

Starting rank list of players

7GMAlekseev Evgeny4138147FID2601
5GMSmirin Ilia2801990ISR2601
9GMPostny Evgeny2804344ISR2564
6GMKobo Ori2812320ISR2534
3IMParkhov Yair2813408ISR2468
10GMDvoirys Semen I.4100379FID2439
4FMTzidkiya Yeshaayahu2824493ISR2419
8GMGruenfeld Yehuda2800020ISR2418
1GMGinsburg Gennadi4630629GER2400
2IMYarmonov Igor14114496UKR2372